What To Do To Get Good Amazon Reviews

If you are looking for ways you can get good Amazon reviews, then you’ve come to the right place. We have compiled the most efficient ways for getting amazon reviews that will be beneficial in growing your business.
Some methods listed by other blogs are illegal while others are even recommended by Amazon. We will start by listing some of those methods that are not allowed to help you steer clear of them so you will not have your seller’s privilege on Amazon revoked.
Illegals Methods To Get Amazon Reviews
- Buying Reviews.
When a business asks a customer to leave them a review and in return, they give them money or other items of value, this can be construed as a breach of Amazon’s Terms Of Service and this could result in the business losing their seller privileges on Amazon.
- Asking Friends And Family For Reviews
Another means that is unacceptable in getting Amazon reviews is by asking your friends or family to leave you reviews. This method is frowned upon since the reviews left are not genuine and may therefore mislead customers.
- Writing Reviews For Yourself
This is also another method used by businesses to get reviews. When a seller writes reviews for themselves, there is no guarantee they are giving honest opinions of their products and they may be just trying to drive more customers in. This is why this method is highly discouraged and prohibited.
Legit Means You Can Use To Get Amazon Reviews
If you are not up for illegal means to get those reviews -which is a good sign – and you want to know how to get amazon reviews the appropriate way then read on.
- Selling High-quality Products
When you sell good products on Amazon, you will not even have to ask for reviews since customers will willingly leave one saying how they enjoyed your products. This is the best-approved way to get amazon reviews.
- Asking For A Review
Amazon has a ‘request a review’ button which you as a seller can use to ask for reviews from customers. Ideally, when you sell a product on Amazon, they will send a request to the customer for a review, however many customers ignore this which is why it would behove you to go the extra mile and ask for one yourself.
- Use Products Inserts
Amazon allows sellers to include cards in their products packages. You can use that to ask for a review from your customers by writing a message on the card thanking them for buying and asking them for a review.
- Use Amazon Vine Program
The Amazon vine program helps newbies settle in the selling world by giving them a chance to get their reviews fast. You will be required to send at least 30 units of your products to Amazon reviewers also known as vine voices and pay a fee. Once the vine voices are done reviewing your products, they will then leave a review.
The Zonbase blog provides conclusive details on the importance of reviews. Reviews are very important to a seller but it is important that the means they use to get reviews are allowed and in accordance with Amazon’s Terms Of Services to ensure they don’t lose their selling privileges on Amazon.